Community outreach

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1 FIAL. (2021). National food waste strategy feasibility study. Food Innovation Australia Limited. 

2 New South Wales Environment Protection Authority. (2023, January 18). Helping households reduce their landfill waste. NSW EPA. 

3 New South Wales Environment Protection Authority. (2024, December 11). EPA challenging industry to divert more than 1 million tonnes of waste yearly. NSW EPA. 

Green For You is a part of the movement to build a resilient food future. As we near two years of collecting food waste from businesses in our region, and creating a highly nutritious compost product from said organics, we need your support. By leaving your name, you are showing local and state government that there is a community of people here in the Northern Rivers, that share our vision and want to see a change in the way we deal with our waste! 

In the natural cycles here on Earth there is no word for “waste”. Materials are used and used again and then finally recycled, to create what we call “closed loop systems”. In these closed loop systems, every “waste” product, is a resource and Re-used to create new life. These closed loop systems are regenerative in nature, and as such, have supported and sustained life here on earth for almost countless millennia. 

Unfortunately, in our recently developed human systems, we have created many different types of waste that are negatively affecting the health of our planet. These systems are “open loop systems”, that disregard resources and depend on “throwing things away”.

When food is wasted, it not only represents a loss of resources used in its production, it also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. When food waste decomposes in landfill, it releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Currently, most of the food waste produced in Australia (70% of which is edible), is heading to landfills, taking up more than a third of landfill space. According to the EPA, if food waste continues to end up in landfill, we will run out of space for our waste in the next FIVE years. 

Here in lies our opportunity for change and impact! 

By filling in the below, you are showing you understand the importance of preventing food waste, the crucial role that education and training play in ending food waste and finally, that you agree that local businesses should receive free education and food waste prevention training to help kick start a national movement toward “zero food waste to landfill”. 

By acknowledging the power of food and sharing knowledge, we can positively affect our local communities! Leave your name to be a part of a cause addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time. 

Thank you