Our Product

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  • burringbar native rainforest nursery

NUtrient rich, Premium quality compost made from local food waste

We wanted to create a product that would represent our love and passion for life. We have selected only the highest quality inputs to ensure what we create is the best for you and your environment.

  • Our highly nutritious and organically made compost product is created from local food waste. It can be used to improve and regenerate soil. It can be used by everyone including; individuals, families, horticulture professionals and organic farmers.

  • Only the highest quality organic inputs have been chosen to create our compost.

    • Food waste from local businesses

    • Premium Chicken Manure from our property in Coorabell

    • Worm Castings

    • Effective Microorganisms from OneOrganic

    • Charcoal from surrounding properties

    • Love, Care and Passion went into make the best possible product for your use.

  • Our compost can be used in many different ways, to us its dynamic nature is what makes it so attractive.

    • Use it to top dress lawns and grassed areas

    • As a product to fertilise your plants, potted or in the garden

    • Use it when you’re potting up your plants. Mix in with your favourite potting mix (up to 30% volume)

    • To create new garden beds or veggie boxes, (up to 50% volume)

    • As a compost starter to introduce and increase microorganism activity

  • Here are the simple reasons why you should use our compost product for your garden.

    • Improved Soil Density: When you use compost, it makes your soil less packed, so roots can spread, air can flow and water can soak in easily.

    • More Organic Matter: Think of organic matter like plant food. When you add compost, it's like giving your garden a nutritious meal. This makes tiny living things in the soil (microbes) very happy, and they help keep the soil strong and steady.

    • More Nutrients: Plants need food to grow, just like we do. Compost provides food in a form that plants can gulp up easily, making them strong and healthy.

    • Holds Water Better: If the soil is too hard, water runs off, and plants get thirsty. Compost helps the soil hold onto water, so you don't have to water as often.

    • No Chemicals Needed: Compost makes plants strong, so they don't get sick as often. That means you don't need to use chemicals to protect them.

    • Capturing Carbon: Compost also does an amazing thing for the planet. It stores carbon from the air and keeps it in the soil, which helps fight climate change.

  • Compost use promotes ecosystem health and function. The positive effects of compost use can be quantified across several physical, chemical and biological outcomes.

    The benefits have long-term impacts with effects demonstrated for decades (Twemlow, 2021).

    The reasons you should use our compost include:

    • Increases soil organic Matter. The high organic matter content in compost causes increases in microbial populations, activity and enzyme production, which in turn increases aggregate stability (Stratton et al., 1995).

    • Improved nutrient cycling and availability. Compost serves as a source of essential nutrients for plants. Compost use increases soil fertility and supports healthy plant growth.

    • More efficient water holding capacity and reduced irrigation requirements. Reduced surface run off, evaporation from the soil surface. Compost use improves the water infiltration rate and soil water storage capacity.

    • Improved aggregate stability. Largely associated with microbial activity, aggregate stability plays a crucial role in soil structure. Stable aggregates improve a soils ability to hold and store water, enhances drainage, and prevents erosion. Compost prevents soil compaction, improves soil porosity and root penetration (DoEC, 2006).

    • No need for non-organic fertilisers or chemicals. Due to the wide ranging benefits of compost use, plant health and vigour is increased and therefore the likelihood of pest and disease decreases.

    • Carbon sequestration. Compost is a major initiator of carbon sequestration in the soil acting as a carbon reservoir. Increasing the overall organic matter content helps sequester carbon from the atmosphere and mitigate climate change. It also helps feed beneficial native fungal populations residing in your soil.