Event Description

The perfect opportunity for you to enjoy the Frida’s Field experience whilst your kids (Greenies) discover the importance of food waste and compost, as well as the significance of nutrient cycling in the natural environment. All the while improving their practical gardening skills. 

The workshop will involve real-world problem-solving activities, an introduction to gardening skills, safety in the garden and the discovery of various composting methods. The workshop aims to be safe, inclusive, practical and fun for the greenies, whilst aiding in the development of their critical thinking and understanding of regenerative practice. 

The greenies will take home a vegetable seedling growing in our highly nutrient dense Green For You compost, to plant at home and watch it grow in amazement. They will also receive a healthy and yummy lunch by Simon from Your Conscious Kitchen. 

We hope to inspire a new generation of composters by sparking excitement and growing their green thumbs. We hope that your children will walk away with a new fondness for not so “perfect” looking food and realise that “funky” food may actually taste better. Through our exploration of different composting methods and how food waste affects the environment, they will leave with practical solutions for the food waste dilemma that can begin to change how we all look at “waste”. 

The workshop will be coordinated by Alice and Dan from Green For You, which offers food waste solutions for local businesses by implementing circular economy principles. Green For You aims to make a long lasting impact on the current and future generations of our local communities.  

Green For You exists to give purpose to individuals. Purpose, no matter how big or small, gives us something to live for. We believe that cultivating and regenerating soil to grow real food and wonderful flowers or foliage gives us an individual purpose. When we come together to learn and share knowledge, we can feel supported, valued and seen.

This workshop is for 7 - 12 year old’s (we can be flexible on this) and will run for a total of 2 hours including a half-hour delicious and nutritious catered lunch break. 

Food waste, soil and healthy eating has never made so much sense.

What to bring

Children will need (all items labelled please):

-    Suitable enclosed shoes

-    Raincoat 

-    Sunhat 

-    Water Bottle 

-    Sunscreen

Meet Alice: A qualified Permaculturalist with a deep love and passion for soil and compost, Alice has made it her mission to share the importance of rehabilitating our soil and growing nutrient dense food. “There is such beauty and gravity in nutrient cycling, a system so simple yet efficient, and one which will tremendously help to rebuild the health of our soils and thus, the health of humans. Instilling these practices early is what will shift mindsets and create a lasting future.” Alice is currently working in the market garden at Frida’s Field and alongside Dan at Green For You, where their passion to make change in the community is coming to life. She is driven to grow the skills and knowledge around soil, composting and food waste within the ones who can help change our world. 

Meet Dan: A passionate horticulturalist and landscape designer, Dan's life revolves around plants and the natural world. Raised in Tasmania, Dan was exposed to the raw beauty of nature from a young age and this created a deep seated desire to help protect this special place we call earth. Dan founded Green For You as a means to give purpose to his life and others. By offering workshops to our local communities, Dan hopes to influence positive change in the younger generations. “By empowering young people with the knowledge and skills to make more sustainable choices, we can create a generation of informed and responsible consumers who are committed to reducing food waste and building a more sustainable future". 

Schedule of the Day 

-    Meet under Fig Tree

-    Introductions 

-    Garden Safety and Tour

-    Discovering compost

-    Worm farm encounter 

-       Real-world problem-solving activities 

-       Lunch Break

-       Break off into two groups to discuss ideas and solutions to real world problems 

-       Creation of compost 

-       Seedling pot up

TICKETS: https://events.humanitix.com/green-for-you-compost-workshop 

Please purchase Frida's Field lunch reservation separately via their website - https://www.fridasfield.com/

Please email greenforyouaustralia@gmail.com if you have any other queries.